Happy 13th Anniversary to THE GREATEST HUSBAND in the WORLD! You make me feel so blessed to be your wife, you are so good to me!!!
So Excited to share with you!
I am so Excited to share with you my new logo designed by Shawn from Eclectic Whimsy Designs. We are still working on my new website, which is going to be fabulous!!! She is really talented and has alot of great ideas! Take a look didn't she do a great job? I am really having a great time redesigning myself and my new look after taking an e-class with Kelly Rae Roberts that really inspired me.
Fun on the Gunflint Trail...
We had such a Blast up North on the Gunflint in Northern Minnesota!!
The weather was great but we didn't see any moose or bear but we
did see alot of crayfish... Good to be home!
Errand Day made Fun...
We had to run some fabric out to Grandma with the Mimi's house and Colton made sure that we searched for frogs, snails and Turtles while we were there, so I took the opportunity to snap some pictures of my parents place. My mom has the most beautiful gardens and so many quaint little spots that are so neat, so I couldn't help myself and before you knew it I had taken 75 pictures! Take a look...

The Potting Shed
The Old Windmill
Corn Crib Flower Path
Mimi watching out for Colton
The story of 2 Goats...
This isn't exactly a story but we recently went out to my Friends Connie & Dale's home to see the new addition to their family, 2 baby sister Goats names Zena and Zora! They are so cute and friendly. Colton fell in LOVE as soon as he saw them, I guess that means we will be spending some time again real soon at Connie & Dales House in the country, Yeah!
Happy Belated 4th of July!!!
We had alot of fun on the Fourth of July! Lots of Relaxing
and Family time, Fireworks and Friends...
Oh Yeah and the Carnival who could forget that???
Summertime Fun!
Today we spent time out at my Mom and Dad's house. They live in the country on a 10 acre hobby farm, they no longer have any animals except a Bunny named LuLu and 2 dogs but Colton sure does have fun when he's there. He made up a name for his Grandparents a long time ago to distinguish them from the other Grandparents that he has, lucky them they got named Grandma and Grandpa with the Mimi (their pug dog) I think it's kind of funny! "Which Grandma's house are we going to? Grandma and Grandpa with the Mimi's??". My mom has The Hog Shed Sale, if you never checked it out you should stop by and you can see pictures of their place!
Cucina Famiglia
A BIG Thank you to Brooks & Lindsay for the very nice write up about J. Jewels! Hop on over to see the most delicious pictures of food that I have ever feasted my eyes on...Meals that are easy and delicious, who doesn't need that???
For your face...
Sharing my favorites!
Finally Back...
Finally I am up and running... I have had a whirl wind week out of town and now I am back and so is my blog. Look for some new pictures and some new designs in the next few days!
Under Construction
We are currently under construction check back, we will be back on Friday up and running....
A New Look
I am trying to give my Blog a new look something that will make the pictures stand out... Please bare with me :)
The Creative Connection Event
I am sooo Excited for Summer, I know it sounds crazy but I am really excited for Fall too!!! The reason is that there is this really big event comming to Minneapolis on Sept 16, 17, & 18th and I am going to be a part of it!! Please check out their website you will see what I mean!!!
J. Jewels Designs Newest Creations...
Forever Friends Necklace was inspired by 2 girls on the quest to find eachother the perfect necklace... 2 Copper hearts ontop of a 1" Sterling Silver Circle and the words 'Forever Friends'
Cool Mom Picks
Hop on over to Cool Mom Picks, they are a really fun hip Blog that has all the new gadgets and must haves for new and old (wink) moms... Sign up for their Monthly Newsletter and look for my jewelry on the April Newsletter coming soon to an inbox near you... Cool Mom Picks Blog
Eye Candy...
Happy Birthday Colton!!
We just celebrated Colton's 6th Birthday, where does the time go??? He had such a blast with all of his friends!! We had Shay from Abrakadoodle come out and do crafts with the kids. They all had so much fun!!!!
I Need another Vacation...
Ever feel like you just get back from Vacation and you wish you could just go back or just stayed there in the first place? Well after this week I am ready to go somewhere.. Anywhere... Colton has been sick for the last week and just took him in to the doctor this weekend and he has Pneumonia :( Wishing he was feeling better, he's been a good sport! I think I would be going crazy about now if I were him, but I think his mom is doing a great job of taking care of this for him... Looking forward to the weekend and it's only Monday. Thought this picture captured perfectly how I am feeling.
Check this out...
If you havent checked out the Hog Shed, it's a must see shop!!! If you live in Minnesota, it's worth the trip. It's my favorite place to go especially when the store isn't open, oh that's right I get fringe benefits because the owner of The Hog Shed is my Mom... Claire Baxter (aka Mom) has owned The Hog Shed for 5 years now and every month it has a new theme and look to it. It is so much fun to see what new things she has brought in to the shop and what she has done to the place, is always amazing!!! The Hog Shed has been mentioned in places like Country Living, Star Tribune Home & Garden and various Blogs. Once you get there I promise it will be your new favorite too!
Hard at Work...
I have been hard at work on some new designs that I will be adding to my website. Do you ever feel there is not enough time in the day?? It's hard when you have to choose between what NEEDS to be done and what I REALLY WANT to do. Like Creativity vs. Housework????
New Creations...
I have been really working hard on doing some new things with J-Jewels Designs... I will post some pictures tomorrow and look for some new additions to my website too!!!
We are Back...
Sanibel was great! You should see all the shells that we found... This is truelly the greatest shelling spot in the world... We also visited the Everglades, Colton would say the best part was the Airboat Rides and seeing LIVE Alligators!!! I Liked the Shelling personally and I think Tim preferred the laying around and getting coffee in the morning.
FUN in the SUN
We are probably sitting by the pool or walking up and down the beach right now looking for shells. I will get back to posting if I am not doing one of these things, chances are you will have to catch me again next Thursday when I am back to the snow. See you then...
Just one more thing...
So, were packing up and getting all the clothes washed and put into the suitcases, and the Dryer dies... Yeah like what do you do when your leaving in a day and your dryer decides to turn in? Too late to go shopping (Who has time?) We like to research our options before buying, because we are definelty not what you call impulse buyers. Any suggestions on a Good Dryer???? By the way this is NOT my Laundry Room, if it were then it would have piles of clothes!!!
Going on Vacation
We are headed to Florida on Thursday and looking forward to some SUN and FUN as a FAMILY!!! My Grandparents have a house on in FLORIDA and we will be staying with them. We are sooooo looking forward to getting away from all this snow :) I will be sure to post some pictures as soon as we get back!!! Until then it's just snow....
Need to get organized....
There is this really great website called
Simplify 101 that I love to look at as much as I can. I love to get Ideas that will make life just a little less stressed or just a little easier. Check it out, they have classes that are really informative and fun to take. Plus really great pictures that are like eye candy.
Simplify 101 that I love to look at as much as I can. I love to get Ideas that will make life just a little less stressed or just a little easier. Check it out, they have classes that are really informative and fun to take. Plus really great pictures that are like eye candy.
Happy Birthday Mason!!!
Happy Birthday Mason!!!
Mama, Papa, Colton & Colby
Snow Day Fun!!
We have been having so much fun in our back yard with our neighbors! Skating, Snow fort making and just plain having fun!!!
My friend and Mentor
Last week I met with an old friend Gina Sekelsky, she owns Dreamland Designs in Minneapolis. She created my Wedding invitations 12 years ago and is so very talented!!! I knew she would be the person to talk to about Business and creative outlets so we met for Coffee and really great Scones.... Lots of Brain storming, information and catching up!! Thank you Gina for meeting with me!!! Check out her blog and her etsy site called "LetterGirl". She is so amazingly talented, well you'll see what I mean when you visit her store on ETSY.... hmmm maybe a giveaway is brewing???
Blogging more
Ok so the time has come where I had to decide to blog more or get off the pot :) I realize that people read blogs and then expect the person to keep up on the blog on a daily or weekly time frame. Well I have been really bad about this blogging thing and promise to be better... So if your reading this please don't stop, I promise to have something interesting or mindless to say at least every week and maybe two times a week. That's all I can promise!! Hope you enjoy getting to know me, my family and my jewelry business!!!
New Designs from J.Jewels...
I have been working hard and this is just a sample of what is coming in 2010...
Valentines Day is coming up soon, Don't forget to remember your sweetie!!!
Visit my website at
Happy New Year
New Designs are on their way!!! I have been working on some new designs to present to you so keep an eye on my website the next few weeks....
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